Optimization page
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Last updated
'Run': Run topology optimization.
'Stop': Pause the running topology optimization.
'Reset': Reset topology optimization.
'Load': Define load conditions. After clicking the 'Load' button, a setting panel appears. It requires users to input three parameters to define a loading area. After clicking the 'Check' button, a red cube is created in front of the right controller. The size of the cube can be adjusted by transformation operations introduced in the 'VR system' page. All finite elemental nodes inside the cube will be loaded.
'Support': Define boundary conditions. After clicking the 'Support' button, a setting panel appears. It requires users to determine the fixed directions to define a supporting area. After clicking the 'Check' button, a blue cube is created in front of the right controller. The size of the cube can be adjusted by transformation operations introduced in the 'VR system' page. All finite elemental nodes inside the cube will be fixed.
'Apply': Assemble all conditions and create a finite element model. This button is available after defining a design domain, loading, and boundary conditions. After this button successufully works, the model is ready for topology optimization.
'Void': Define a passive void domain by setting a purple cube. The size of the cube can be adjusted by transformation operations introduced in the 'VR system' page. All finite elements inside the cube will always be removed during the optimization process. More details about passive void domains can be found in [].
'Solid': Define a passive solid domain by setting a brown cube. The size of the cube can be adjusted by transformation operations introduced in the 'VR system' page. All finite elements inside the cube will always be preserved during the optimization process. More details about passive void domains can be found in [].
'Quit': Quit the application.