Scoring System

This page provides a description of the scoring system.

The scoring system allows users to evaluate the four existing solutions according to their subjective preferences. Users can open the Scoring Panel to score the solutions. The scores will be used as weights to influence the next generation of solutions.

The description of GUI can be found in the Main Interface and the Scoring Panel.


Fig. 1 shows four existing solutions obtained by the four optimizers. The resolution is set to 76 x 40. Once the four optimizers are finished, becomes active.

Fig. 1. The four existing solutions

Next, users can open the scoring panel by clicking to evaluate the four solutions. For example, if someone likes the top-right solution, he or she can give a high score to Solution B and sign low scores for other solutions (see Fig. 2). Click can save all changes.

Fig. 2. Scoring the four solutions in Scoring Panel

Finally, click to create the next generation of four solutions considering the subjective preferences. The results are shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen that the shapes of all solutions in the new generation are similar to the top-right solution in the last generation. Moreover, the new solutions have a slight difference in shape, which can be reflected in the performance difference.

Fig. 3. The four new solutions considering subjective preferences can be obtained

Besides, users can also change the influence degree of the scoring weights in the Parameter Panel (default is 1).

Fig. 4. Modifying the influence degree of the scoring weights in the parameter panel (default is 1)

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